Humans are the only creation who can communicate, and language is the prime mode of human communication.

Usually communication happens in two forms, verbal and non verbal. Speaking is the main form of verbal communication and writing is the main form of non verbal communication.

Spoken word and written form are the two important aspects of a language.

Sound is the basis for spoken language. Each sound in a language is represented by a written sign. 

In English language, the written signs, representing sounds, are called LETTERS.

There are 26 letters in ENGLISH.

The group of 26 letters is called ALPHABET. (not alphabets)


‘English alphabet’ is right. ‘English alphabets’ is wrong.

Example – ‘ I know English alphabet.’

                  ‘I also know Spanish and Italian alphabets.’

When it represents, single group of letters, it is always ALPHABET. 

When it represents, plural group of letters, then it is ALPHABETS


The 26 English letters are divided into two types, vowels and consonants.

The five letters A, E, I, O, U, are called VOWELS, and the remaining 21 letters are called CONSONANTS.  

We use letters in groups, as a single letter has less usage. 

A group of letters is called a WORD.

 Single words cannot convey much. To convey the complete message, words are used in groups.

 A group of words is called a SENTENCE. 


Any group of words cannot be called as a sentence.

1. Example 

I to school went.

Even though, the above sentence is a group of words, it makes no sense, because the words are formed imperfectly, and it doesn’t convey any meaning, so it cannot be called a sentence.

2. Example  

I went to school.

The above sentence IS a proper sentence because here the words are formed perfectly, and it conveys the complete meaning.


A SENTENCE is a group of words, formed in a proper way, to convey the complete meaning.  

Perfect language is spoken with well formed sentences. The quality of a language is dependent, on the formation of sentence. The right formation of sentence is possible only through grammar.

GRAMMAR is a way, which teaches the proper use and usage of words, how to form sentences, and much more.

That is why, learning GRAMMAR is very important, to learn any language, including English.


In English grammar, words of English, are divided into 8 parts. These 8 parts of words are called PARTS OF SPEECH. Here speech represents sentence. Parts represent words. PARTS OF SPEECH teaches, about the use and usage of 8 parts of words, and how the words should be placed to form a perfect SENTENCE.


The 8 names of parts of speech are –










7 thoughts on “PARTS OF SPEECH

  1. good one….quite easy to understand
    please share more on pronouns n other parts of speech

  2. Easy to understand… nice work
    Thanks a lot

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